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We love glasses… and you? Our tips to keep them safe.

We love glasses… and you? Our tips to keep them safe.

We often receive questions from our Customers about their frames which, although being relatively new, appear to be damaged without any clear reason.

Our Customer Service is always ready to investigate and understand the reasons, since more often than not these kinds of damage are not covered by the official’s supplier’s warranty.

Sometimes we wonder: how do you keep your glasses? There might be room for improvement.

We at Otticanet have put down some tips to help you keep your glasses safe and sound for a long time!

1- If you are not wearing them, keep your glasses inside their case. A simple gesture, like putting the glasses inside your bag not in their case might result in them being scratched, ruining the lenses or the mirrored and prescription treatments.

2- Never leave your glasses facedown, that can definitely damage your lenses.

3- Never leave your glasses exposed to heat: for example, in your car during a hot Summer day, or while drying your hair, and pay attention when you are opening your oven. Hot steam can damage the lenses, turning them opaque and ultimately unusable.

4- Keep them away from aggressive detergents: soap, make-up, hair spray and perfume.

5- Wash them often with cold water and a small dose of neutral detergent or with a cleaning kit, as dirt and perspiration may affect the glasses.

Is it too late for your glasses? Take a look at the new arrivals on Otticanet and pick the right one for you!

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